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Hey Corporate Career, we Need to Talk..

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

How I went from Working for the Corporate World, to Serving the Women in it.

Beloved connections,

I have an exciting announcement!

When lockdown 1.0 came around I found myself working from home, with little to no friends living in close proximity to me. I quickly started looking for ways to entertain myself as best as I could, given the circumstances.

I started going for walks around the area, video called with friends and family, created a sustainable workout routine, it all went fairly smoothly!

At the same time, watching tv and binging on series was getting to me, staring at a screen all day was exhausting and it was giving me the worst headaches. So I went looking for something else to do that would stimulate my brain.

I started by trailing an interior design course, I've always loved decorating! But it wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Then I thought about how much I enjoyed mentoring a few of the women in the organisation I worked for and thought I'd check that out.

I started a coaching and mentoring course, which I quickly said goodbye to, because it was waaay to theoretical. I'm not the type of student who learns by just reading a bunch of information and never putting anything into practice. I learn by taking action on what I learn and failing a few times along the way.

So, I continued my search.

Then one day, this free 7-day course popped up on my social media, (yay for cookies, in this case!)

I didn't immediately start the course, it took me a couple of weeks to actually get into it, but once I did..

I can't even describe to you how much it felt like I has just found my calling, or as many of us would say, I had found my purpose.

Once I finished the 7-day course I felt this burning need for more information. The more I learned, the more I started to realise I hadn't been happy with my career path, I didn't feel fulfilled and I wasn't going in the right direction for it to get any better. I wanted to enhance my knowledge, gain more experience, grow, expand, develop, whatever you want to call it.

And I got certified in November!

You would expect that this is where the story ends. But in my case, that couldn't be further from the truth. This is where my story started and this is why I'm here to announce to you today that.. of tomorrow, March 4th, I am officially breaking up with my corporate career!

I've started building my coaching business to help high achieving women in the workplace reach their fullest potential, so they can unapologetically be the leading lady, the female alpha, the "directrice" of their own career!

I've always vocalised my advocacy for equality in the workplace and, well here I am!

An advocate for..

..the women who feel undervalued, overworked, insecure, and are experiencing impostor syndrome.

..the women who are feeling a certain glass ceiling approach quickly and are unsure how to get past it.

..the women who are fed up with the office politics and double standards, and who crave growth in their career more than anything else, because their is more to them than meets the eye.

The women who know they have higher levels to reach and bigger places to go.

This is what I'm here to do, and I couldn't be more excited about the journey I have ahead of me.

To all the women who are reading this message, let's 'Achieve Like a Woman' together and let me help you get through the challenges and obstacles.

I ended up realising I wasn't happy working in the corporate world and took action to change my reality.

What will your realisation be?

Read about my client Krystal:

"I knew Kiona was going to be the perfect coach to help me the moment we started speaking.

Her energy is infectious and she's full of light and love. It was instantly evident that Kiona wanted to see me be successful and knew the potential I had before I knew it myself.

She guided me to discover so much about myself. I know myself pretty well but by the end of the second session I had discovered something holding me back that was so deeply rooted in my mind that I didn't even know was affecting me. The transformation began instantly and the amount of confidence I have gained in our few sessions is absolutely astronomical.

Kiona as my coach has expedited the growth of my business and I am forever grateful for her leadership, guidance and support."

- Krystal M., Human Resources, Canada.

Book your FREE consultancy now! Get in Touch

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With Love & Gratitude,

Kiona x

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